Lunch at The Langham Hotel - February, 2024

Although the weather was wet and windy we had a good turnout for the Langham Lunch. Seventy eight turned up on the day.
A talk was given by Neil Kirby on his life in the hotel trade. Starting as a washer-up and ending as general manager of the Grosvenor House Hotel London.
We then had a delicious lunch followed by coffee and home made chocolates. - Sandra Yarwood

The Hotel welcomes our Members for the Lunch

Are we all seated?

Introducing Neil Kirby, our Speaker

It was very interesting listening to his tales

Smile, please! (1)

There were 78 of us at the Lunch

It was most enjoyable, despite the weather!

Everyone seemed to have enjoyed it

Everyone seems to have enjoyed the talk

Satisfied looks on the faces, said it all!

Smile, please! (2)

Deep in conversation

Smile, please! (3)

This table was set in its own alcove