Useful Contacts

Barclays Employee Community Programmes

If you would like to speak to the Employee Programmes Team, please e-mail them with your telephone number and they will call you back

  1. Matched Fundraising - This programme enables pensioners to apply for matching for the funds they have raised for one charity/community organisation, up to £750, for one activity per year. UKRF pensioners who have taken their benefits on, or before, 31st December 2013 are eligible to take part. Visit , e-mail

  1. Payroll Giving - Payroll Giving is the most tax-efficient way of giving as donations are taken from pensioners' pre-tax payments. KRF pensioners who have taken their benefits on, or before, 31st December 2013 are eligible for their donations to be matched up to £750 a year. Visit, e-mail

  1. Pennies from Heaven - This scheme lets you donate odd pennies from your monthly pension to the Spread Eagle Foundation charity (now run by the Bank Workers Charity). Visit, e-mail, or telephone 01737 227567.