Autumn Lunch at Buxted Park - October, 2024

On what turned out to be a beautiful sunny Autumn day, we were all treated to a superb lunch with excellent service at Buxted Park Hotel.
Thanks to your generous donations, a total of £2,560.00 was raised for the Sussex Cancer Trust, which was a truly magnificent amount.
Two raffle prizes (previously donated by The Langham Hotel, Eastbourne) were given to lucky winners - a bonus for them on the day! - Sue Russell/Christine Goose
"Just want to say congratulations. What a lovely venue and meal. Service was really good. I do like things to be done properly including real serviettes. Even down to the removal of the crumbs! We don’t see that very often. Thank you for all your hard work and planning. I know it’s not easy and then just when you thought you had sorted it all out there are a few changes . Well done and keep up the good work. A satisfying total raised for the charity as well." - Margaret Smith

Everything was ready for us!

People starting to arrive

The Glamerous Greeters!

The Bar was kept busy

The lounge quickly filled up

Wine could be ordered for the table

It was good see see old friends and colleagues again

More people were arriving

There were very few seats left empty in the lounge

The Buxted Park Coats of Arms

It was nearly time for lunch

we all sat on tables of 9 or 10

A vote of thanks was made after lunch

After lunch, we found out haow much we had raised for the Sussex Cancer Fund