
Part of our Club's role is to provide welfare support to its members as and when they need it. We promote this through some of our Committee members who co-ordinate our activity in this respect.
Our help is wide ranging. From getting information together regarding personal matters such as benefits, pensions and applying for grants, to home visits if there is something you would like to talk to someone about.
We may also be able to help with transport to and from our events, and possibly to external venues in certain circumstances.
We REALLY are here to help so do please get in touch with either Mandy or Phil, to get things started.
Additionally, there are a number of external organisations who can help and advise pensioners.
Please refer to our "Useful Contacts" section for more information and contact details.
- Financial - If you find yourself facing financial hardship and require help and advice, please contact the Bank Workers Charity who also manage the Spread Eagle Foundation on behalf of Barclays.
- Welfare - For queries about Barclays pensioners' clubs, please contact the Barclays Pensioner Welfare Support
- Pension Administration - For queries about your pension, or to report any changes to your bank details, please contact the Barclays Bank UK Retirement Fund Pensions Administration
- Physical - For advice and information for people with disability or mobility problems, such as those receiving Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and/or Carers Allowance, please visit The Department for Work & Pensions website and follow the appropriate links.
- General - Age UK - provides a range of services, information and support on various subjects, including State benefits, grants, security and keeping warm in winter.
Please refer to our "Useful Contacts" section for more information and contact details.